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  • Writer's pictureHaiwan Bukan Permainan

How to wheel training your hedgehog

Updated: Feb 2

Steps to train your hedgehog wheeling;-

  1. Use the right, functional wheel

  2. Make sure the room is dim/not bright

  3. Put your hedgehog on the wheel

  4. One hand cover the wheel entrance with your hand or hard board

  5. Let your hedgehog have to walk on the wheel unwillingly

  6. Use your other hand to rotate the wheel

  7. Or use your other hand to hold treat like in the video

  8. Repeat for atleast 10-15 minutes, consistently every night until your hedgehog can wheel on their own!

Your hedgehog will look like it is forced to walk on the wheel at first, but that way, they will learn that the wheel can be run on.

Some hedgehogs are fast learner, and some needs more training. As hedgehog owner, you need to be patient training them. If you don’t train your hedgehog and your hedgehog doesn’t know how to play with wheel, you will need to have hours night roaming routine for them to be able to run. It will be hard for you to spend hours just to monitor them roaming. Plus, hedgehogs prefer to run when no one see them

Below are some youtube video tutorial for you to learn from

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