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  • Writer's pictureHaiwan Bukan Permainan

Is hamster, hedgehog, guinea pig the right pet for you?

Updated: Nov 20, 2023

This must have been in your mind before getting a pet. Please do not impulse buying any pets. One should do proper research from certified source before taking in a pet.

People who shouldn’t get a pet

We believe that we are in no position to dictate anyone’s decision. However, impulse buying might lead to poor husbandry and welfare, or pet having to be pass around from different owners which can cause stress. Every pet deserves forever home, and you can avoid it by analysing your current situation.

1) Kids or teenagers age below 18, which parents do not agree in transporting or responsible for the pet’s expenses

Boy and girl which are sibling at Haiwan Bukan Permainan event holding hamster carrier
Sibling from our flagship event which their parents fully supportive on their hamster's proper care

Individual below 18 usually do not have their own income to support themselves, what more of a pet under their care. Having a small pet needs consistent income as they are a living creature that comes with maintenance. Not only you will need to spend a lot of money before getting the pet, but small pets are prone to acute illness that need urgent rush to the vet. A small pet owner needs to have a stable saving to be able to pay the vet. Kids or teenagers usually rely on their parents for this. The question is, does their parents agree? If yes, do the parents also agree to rush to the vet in case of emergency, putting their work or career aside? If no, then are you going to leave your pet suffers without medical care until they die?

Parents’ involvement is vital and often times when the child ask for a pet, it’s more likely the parents who will end up having to care for the pet.

2) Students living in college/university’s hostel

Most university or college in Malaysia has strict rule in having pet in dormitory. You might think that you can pet them in silence, but if let say the warden found out about it and you will need to get rid of your pet, do you have a backup plan? Will your family members at home take care of your pet the same as you? Aside from that, you will need to take account on your room/housemates acceptance toward having the pet in the house. They have the right to object your decision to have the pet in the place and you need to respect their decision. Hostel dormitories also always provide small room for the occupant. Do you have space to setup the pet's cage based on the cage requirement?

Example space for a hedgehog cage, which includes it other care supplies

It's not just the cage, but you will also need extra space for the storage for the pet's hygiene supplies, foods, backup or extra supplies and more.

Unless if it is legal to have pet in your hostel, your housemates are okay with it and you have enough space for the cage, do not get a pet.

3) Individual who often travel for work

Constant travel for a long time is not ideal to have a pet. Although you might have a portable cage, but traveling can disrupt the pet’s routine and cause stress. If you’re thinking of leaving your pet with your family/friends for boarding, the question is, how long? Because of your work culture that is not consistent, not bonding with your pet for a long time can make your pet forget about you as his owner.

4) Individual with no access to vet that treat small exotic pet.

This is the point that people often overlook. Not all vets accept hedgehog/hamsters nor guinea pigs. Most vets only accept dogs and cats. You need to make sure you call the vet and ask if they can treat the species of your pet. Having a vet that you can refer to is very important. Imagine your pet needs urgent medical care, let's say they accidentally injure themselves, but you don’t have a vet to go to and you don’t know what to do? There’s not many home remedy available that is scientifically proven to help with small pets' diseases/illness. You cannot use any human medication like kid antibiotic or ‘ubat gamat’ on them. It might make the condition worse. Are you okay with having to witness your pet suffers with no help? Even worse, you are the cause of the pet's death because you were unable to bring the pet to the vet.

5) Individual that has allergy to certain types of animals

If you’re allergic to animal’s fur or anything on other pets, you’re more likely to get allergy reaction with small pets too. Some small pets even has special dander or quills like hedgehog that although you do not have eczema or any other skin issue, you will still get itchy every time after handling them. Do you think you're able to endure the itchiness?

6) Individual that cannot afford basic care of the pet

Aside from kids age below 18 as stated above, you might be unemployed, having financial restraint or in a tight budget. Remember that for the pet, whatever you provide means the world to them. They can only live with what you provide unlike human child who are able to voice out their needs. So it is your responsibility to provide the best care for them to strive. Throw your ‘as long as it can survive’ mentality.

If you find that you fall among these categories, please know that we understand your desire to own these cuties. However rather than impulse buying, it is best to make sure you’re in the right time, situation and environment so that you are not in any trouble in the future. It’s not only you who will have to face the issue, your pet will have to feel the stresses doubled than you if you're not in the right situation to have a pet.

What to consider before getting a small pet?

1) Commitment

  • Do you able to commit to take care of your pet throughout their lifetime? 2 years for hamsters, 5 years for hedgehogs and 10 years for guinea pigs.

  • If let’s say the pet you will get will never be tame until the end of it breath, will you love them unconditionally?

  • When deciding on taking in job, managing schedule, will you be able to make sure caring for your hpet is in your routine?

  • Will you make sure to spend time bonding with your pet atleast once a week although you had tough week?

  • Will you be able to bring your pet to the vet as soon as possible when you found out there’s something wrong with it?

2) Environment

  • Do you have enough space in your house to make sure your pet gets proper cage enclosure?

  • If you live with family or friends, will they be okay with having the pet in the house? Do they have allergy? Will they tolerate the smells? Are they okay with you taking up space for your pet setup?

3) Financial

  • Will you be able to save ‘emergency vet’ saving from your income? Vet fee for exotic small pet is more costly than dogs and cats.

  • Will you be able to buy the safe, right pet supplies although it is expensive?

  • If you’re a student or kid with no income, how are you planning to pay for your pets' needs? If your family agrees to pay, are you sure their empathy/promise will last for 5 years?

4) Vet access

  • Have you make sure that there’s vet near you that treat the pet? Most vets only accept dogs and cats.

  • If you’re a student or kid with no transport, how are you planning to go to the vet by? If you rely on your family, is your family able to spend time transporting you to the vet regardless their work schedule?

We hope that these lists are enough to make you aware on the responsibilities it takes to own a small pets like hamsters, hedgehogs and guinea pigs. Remember that they are not an easy pet.

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