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  • Writer's pictureHaiwan Bukan Permainan

Is hedgehog the right pet for you?

You probably have seen all the adorable instagram posts of hedgehogs getting their belly rubbed, pet and wearing cute hats. You can't wait to get one of your own, imagining that your hedgehog will be the same and as cute as those you saw on instagram.

However, it's essential to face the reality that the seemingly affectionate hedgehogs in those Instagram photos didn't develop trust overnight. Those hedgehogs in the instagram you saw, the owners took years and a lot of patience to get to that level where your hedgehog will trust you.

In truth, approximately 80% of pet hedgehogs exhibit shy behavior. Owners of these tamed hedgehogs typically showcase only the positive aspects on social media, creating a skewed perception. Few posts depict the natural shyness of hedgehogs, as such content is deemed less appealing to viewers.

"Don't be swayed solely by the cute hedgehog posts on social medias."

This article will explore why you shouldn’t get a pet hedgehog, and also, why you should!

Considering a Pet in General

Before we dive into why a hedgehog might not be an ideal pet for you, it's crucial to assess your eligibility to own a pet. Factors such as financial stability, living environment, available space, and lifestyle should be considered. Make sure to finish reading this article before making any decisions.

Why you should NOT get a hedgehog

1. Not tame….and probably will never be.

Hedgehogs are naturally shy and fearful creature. In the wild, they face predators like foxes, owls, and snakes, leading them to develop defensive mechanisms, such as erecting their spines and curling into a protective ball. As a larger entity, you may unintentionally appear as a threat, causing your hedgehog to ball up in response. It's vital to recognize that pet hedgehogs, like other exotic pets, don't seek affection like cats and dogs. You need to understand that pet hedgehogs are exotic pet. Like any other exotic pets, they do not crave for your affection like cats and dogs. You need to make amend that your hedgehog might never be tamed or fully trust you until the end of their life, but no matter what, you still need to love and care for them.

"Remember, owning a hedgehog isn't about cuddling or kissing but appreciating their unique beauty from a distance."

Never question, "Why doesn't my hedgehog love me?" and consider abandoning it simply because it hasn't warmed up to you. Your hedgehog doesn't owe you affection, but you owe it care and love, because it was YOU who chose to own them.

2. Limited interaction.

Because they are scared and nocturnal, most of them will not go out of their hides willingly. Most hedgehogs will only want to explore outside the cage when at night, the lights are switched off, and all the human members in the house are asleep and quiet. When they are convinced that no one can see them, only then your hedgehog will come out and eat, explore the cage and run on the wheel. As the owner, you need to be smart and brave to bring them out to get them used to you.

3. Unique behaviour.

Hedgehogs have unique behaviours that is hard to predict because they are not common like cats and dogs. When a cat or dog is playful, angry or hungry, you can guess their emotions through body language However for hedgehogs, it requires owner to invest time in researching and understanding their behavior. As a hedgehog owner, you need to not be lazy to read from a legitimate source about hedgehog information in order to give the right care for your hedgehog. 

A hedgehog with no back legs self anointing in her cage
A hedgehog that looks like it is being possessed by a demon, but actually is self-anointing, which is a normal common hedgehog behaviour

4. Unique routine & lifestyle.

Because of its unique behaviour, it will affect your routine as an owner too. Hedgehogs are nocturnal animal which means, they are only awake at night. Because of this, you can only play or bond with your hedgehog mostly at night, with your bedroom semi-dark unlike friends with dogs that can be taken outdoors during the day. When co-living with your hedgehog, there is a lot of activity in your life that you have to consider your hedgehog too.

For example, when you need to travel to your hometown cross-state, you need to bring your hedgehog with you, and then you have to think how will you setup the temporary hedgehog cage at your hometown. Another example is when you have a night shift where you won’t be home until the next morning, how can you prepare your hedgehog food bowl that night? The question is, will you be willing to try your best to make sure your hedgehog fit in your routine, throughout the hedgehog lifespan?

5. Hedgehog hives

"Oh, don't worry. I do not have an allergy to pet dander." Unfortunately, all humans, whether they have a skin allergy or not, will get hedgehog hives almost every time after handling your hedgehog. Our skin will react to hedgehog spines puncturing our skin layers, resulting in hives and itchiness. You will need to get used to washing your hands after handling your hedgehog and bear with the itchiness. If you have an existing skin condition like psoriasis or eczema, please forget about getting a hedgehog as a pet.

A leg calf with rashes redness due to hives from hedgehog quills spines
Hedgehog hives after hedgehog handling

6. Limited supplies

Whenever you go to the pet shops, they mostly have a lot of products for cats and dogs. But for other pets, only one shelf row and even worse, most of the products for the exotic pets at that shelf is inappropriate products that only claims it is for the respective exotic pets, but truth is they are just mere commercial and can be harmful for your pets. Proper hedgehog supplies are hard to find. In most cases, building a proper cage may require visits to multiple stores or online orders, especially for those in non-city areas. Owners who live in non-city area, have no choice but to order online. You need to be hardworking to find the supplies and Do not expect one pet shop can supplies all the hedgehogs items you need.


Reasons to get a hedgehog

1. Uniquely cute- Duh!

We don't need to explain this further. They're cute even when they're shy and scared. If cuteness is only apparent when they're tamed for you, then stop right there and do not get a hedgehog.

2. Life lessons

If you are up for challenging yourself to discover your own potential and understand the power of science and nature, then a hedgehog can be a good pet. Caring for a hedgehog will provide insight into what it's like to make a commitment, take on responsibility, and push yourself to be independent, knowing that a cute creature depends on you for their life. These skills will improve you as a person. Understanding the unique nature of hedgehogs will also open your eyes to scientific aspects of nature.

3. Save a life.

This applies only if you rescue or adopt your hedgehog. Every now and then, there are hedgehog abandonment cases in our country, mostly due to the irresponsibility of the hedgehog's previous owner. If you would like to adopt, you can adopt here.

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