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Who Are We

Voices for the small creatures 

What We Do


We are...
a change maker.

HBP thrives as a self-sustaining non-profit organization committed to combat improper care of small mammal exotic care. Our current species of focus are hamsters, hedgehogs and guinea pigs.

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We are...

As young as high-school student to a stay at home mom, our team consists of members from all ages, races and background. We're united with like-minded individuals and mission to fight for domesticated small animal's right.

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Most importantly,
We are...

just like you.

Our volunteers are students or working adults, just like you. 



We dedicate our extra time voluntarily to fight for small animal's right. If we can, then you can too!

we can do better

Gone are the days where Malaysians impulse buying pets for the sake of trends without proper care research. Together, let's shape the next Malaysia generation that is more responsible of their commitment in having pet(s).

  • To raise awareness on proper care for small mammal exotic pets to Malaysians.

  • To instil the importance of empathy towards animals.

  • To educate that pets are living-beings, each with unique needs and wants that the owner has to respect.

  • To shape the next generation that is more responsible for their commitment.

  • To lessen pet-dumping cases in Malaysia.

Our story

Volunteer with us!

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